Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marketing Intelligence | SoftLogr

Given the scenario of internationalization and globalization currently experienced by countries, Colombian businessmen have been forced to concentrate on local markets beyond which they were accustomed. Indeed, under a global economic system, for a large number of companies exporting exercise is a very important factor. SMEs in Colombia have not been outside this globalization trend, because the market forces them to find new niches to market their products or services other than nationals as a strategy to strengthen against the competition generated more political deregularización of global markets and trade agreements that Colombia has signed with various international partners. In this context of internationalization of companies outstanding export activities not only depend largely on the amount of information on international markets have, but in most cases, in the way that information is processed. Venture to export to other markets that have trade dynamics, consumer trends, higher quality standards, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements more complex, among others, imply a risk to SMEs, due to the costs they may incur if you take a decision or wrong strategy. Hand in hand with this trend, "globalization, in recent years have designed various business marketing intelligence systems in which we analyze the new competitive capabilities that firms and economic systems (local, regional and national) should be developed to be inserted success in an economy increasingly united in their financial flows, trade and technology. Within these business intelligence tools, is the Market Research, which can be defined as gathering and analyzing information regarding the world of business and market conducted systematically or expressed, to take decisions within the field of national or international marketing. This is a powerful tool that allows the company to obtain the information necessary to establish different policies, objectives, plans and strategies best suited to their interests in the possible internationalization process. The search, processing, and implementation of market research enables companies to address the threats and opportunities in export markets, increasing the competitiveness of firms, as it provides the information necessary for the maturation of key decisions and long range of the company that require careful analysis of the facts, because when alternative solutions are complex problems, making decisions without their aid is dangerous. Market research helps to increase business profits by allowing products to better match demand conditions; perfect promotional methods, makes for a more effective sales system and vendor performance, and other reduces the cost of sales; encourages managers to reassessment of the objectives, and encourages staff, knowing that your company has a thorough knowledge of its market position and is directed toward well-selected targets. Additionally provides the manager on how to apply knowledge products in the place, time and adequate price and the strategy of international market penetration required. While this does not guarantee foolproof solutions, greatly reducing the margin of error in decision-making. In order to successfully market analysis is necessary to apply various knowledge through applied economics, psychology and sociology, statistics and mathematics, business management and innovative capacity. The issues most frequently addressed market research are the measurement of market potential analysis, market share, identifying market characteristics, sales analysis, business trends, short-term forecasts, studies of competing products , long-term prognosis and testing of existing products. Conducting a market analysis usually requires a laborious and demanding, but achievement to set the appropriate strategy to penetrate international markets. Companies can make on their own market research through its sales and marketing department (if they have sources of primary and secondary information, and international databases), but may also hire outside companies to carry it out. These companies generally fall into agency services firms for research, market research firms to order and market research firms specialized. The first obtain regular information on the market and consumers, to sell to companies or other customers (public information), the latter are used to execute specific projects and the final report is the client (proprietary information) and provide a third specialized services to other firms in research or marketing departments of companies (union information). The company employs an outside firms market research largely obey its own resources and organization, if not within the marketing department of a specialized division for this work, it is preferable to hire specialized firms in the markets to which to introduce their products or services. While this will generate an additional cost to the company, the information provided is accurate and in line with reality and could save you in the future cost overruns or a total loss by an internationalization strategy wrong. There are numerous Internet sites that offer market research from several countries in different sectors, and many products, although these studies were not combined, in most cases, all the elements described above. Also, the cost of the studies (ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 5,000) does not allow easy access to SMEs. In conclusion, the need for and the acquisition of market information should be substantial between new exporters, the collection of information in markets can be critical to the success of a company and the analysis of such information helps to understand the dynamics of products, the trend in business and information concerning the competition.

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