When money gets tight this makes managing your personal finances a real challenge. Most of us have been in this position at one point in our lives.
Often a life changing event happens and your can?t pay things like your credit card payments on time. Sometimes this can go on for several months. Your credit card companies then jack up your interest rates to a default rate for at least a year. This figure can often times be 30% or higher. This makes it almost impossible for you to pay any money on your principle balances.We have personal finance tools that you can use to fix these kinds of personal finance problems. Debt settlement is one product we recommend to people for example. This is a process you can use when a credit card company jacks your interest rates up to default rate. You first try to get the credit card company to lower your interest rate back down to where it was at least. Demand that they lower it or you will stop paying your bill. If they don?t lower your rate back down which most of the time they will not. Then you stop paying your bill. Most of the time this is what is necessary to get the credit card companies to negotiate with you. Now this could take up to 3 years to settle a credit account. But once you are done you will only have to pay about 40% of what you owed. This process can have you completely debt free within 3 years paying the same amount per month as you pay now if not less for all your unsecured debt. When you use debt settlement you should always use a professional service of some kind. This is because they tell you what the creditors can and can not do to you. This also helps guide you through the whole process with some peace of mind that everything is being handled right.
Our personal finance website also has credit cards of all kinds that you can learn about and get approved for. Use our personal finance tools in the fix your credit section of our website. It allows you to get all 3 of your credit reports and scores from the 3 major credit agencies: Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union for free. This will then help you when you go to apply for financing of any kind within our site. You will know what is on your credit report and know how to fix everything bad on it with the tools you find there. Most of the time your credit isn?t as bad as you think it is. Most things that you think are your problem might not be on your credit report at all. However on the flip side of that. You could find information that is not correct. It all depends you don?t know until you look and see what is on your credit report.
Having bad credit because of personal finance problems like these is hard to deal with. That is why we offer easy credit repair as an essential personal finance tool you need to even be able to begin to fix your personal finances. But for people who need to borrow money soon to fix other personal finance problems. We have bad credit file loans for them too. These bad credit file loans are from banks that are used to help people that have credit problems. They don?t have as strict of guidelines to get approved for their finance products. This is in comparison to a lot of other banks that are not so forgiving.
My name is Matt Sciotti and I help people fix problems with their personal finances. Helping people save money on their bills and fix problems they have with their credit is what I do best. I help provide people with the personal finance tools they need to improve their financial wellbeing.
Author: Matt Sciotti
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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