Friday, June 22, 2012

Start You Business Fast With Outsourcing

One of the easiest ways to start a new business selling online services of all types to local businesses is to outsource; that?s how I started while I was developing my own skills. ?Site?s like or will do almost anything you need done for $4 or $5; services you can re-sell for $100 or more like:

  • Set up a social network
  • Article writing
  • Set up a WordPress website
  • Create a Facebook Fan Page
  • Create a WP header or a Facebook timeline cover
  • Do SEO or keyword analysis and so much more!

You just need the leads, right? Well in case you missed it head over to?? check out ?leadster?.

This fantastic lead generator scrapes local niche leads from Facebook and spoon feeds you all their information like name, email, URL to their page and more. ?All you have to do is click on the URL, look at their page to see if they need help, find someone on Fiverr to do the work and then charge the client less than everyone else (80% less or so). ?you still make a lot of money and only pay $5 to have it done.

I?ve also given a bunch more outsourcing site on the resources page so go check it out.

And get your copy of Leadster here while it?s still only twenty some bucks??

I've spent 30+ years in sales and marketing and now use my skills to help businesses increase their internet visibility by using prove Social Media & Internet Marketing strategies to attract and retain new clients. I also develop software to facilitate the same. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

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