Thursday, November 8, 2012

What's your goal weight for the end of the winter? - Health, Fitness ...


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What Would Brian Boitano Do?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:46 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

189-191 is where I am now (depends on the scale used.) My main goal is to be 170 or so, that'd put me at 8-10% bodyfat instead of 17 now. I'd be happy at 180, though. I don't like being hyooooge. Last winter I was like 200-205, bleh. I did gain 10lbs lean mass from when I initially lost weight. When I initially dropped weight, I was probably 17% bodyfat at 180lbs, going from a fat 210-215lbs, so now I'm 190 currently. 170 would be good, as if I decide to pursue lifting, I'd be right at the edge of the 77K weight class, that and I wanna look like the Chinese Olympic lifter Lu Xiaojun. That'd be my ideal physique.

I've changed my diet up a lot, I eat a lot more complex carbs now and less meat and fat, and it's helping me lean out gradually. For some reason, I still get bloated with pasta and bread, but like, oats and rice is fine.
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What Would Brian Boitano Do?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:21 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

IdahoRose wrote:
I'm at 188 lbs. and I want to be at 130 by the time summer comes.

Well, you should check if that's realistic. Like for me, when I started skating I was 210 or 215, and got down to 180 at around the same bodyfat as now, maybe more, maybe less. So my total lean mass back then, ie, zero bodyfat at all, would be like 145 or something. I have friends I envied for their skinniness that were my height (5'9) at like 130lbs and stuff, and I wished I was their size. Now I know it was never realistic for me to even think about being that skinny. Now due to lifting, my lean mass is 157lbs. This sorta makes me feel weird, as unlike most guys I never really wanted to be "hyoooge" and "swole" and bulky and stuff, I always wanted to be like skinny and agile. Now I know that's not in the cards.

BMI is another thing that sorta messed with me, too. Now, I'd be "overweight" at like 10% bodyfat according to BMI. So basically, get your bodyfat level checked, and see what it is, and for a girl, go for like 20%, so lean mass X 1.2, and that should be the weight you aim for.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:59 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

1000Knives wrote:
189-191 is where I am now (depends on the scale used.) My main goal is to be 170 or so, that'd put me at 8-10% bodyfat instead of 17 now. I'd be happy at 180, though. I don't like being hyooooge. Last winter I was like 200-205, bleh. I did gain 10lbs lean mass from when I initially lost weight. When I initially dropped weight, I was probably 17% bodyfat at 180lbs, going from a fat 210-215lbs, so now I'm 190 currently. 170 would be good, as if I decide to pursue lifting, I'd be right at the edge of the 77K weight class, that and I wanna look like the Chinese Olympic lifter Lu Xiaojun. That'd be my ideal physique.

I've changed my diet up a lot, I eat a lot more complex carbs now and less meat and fat, and it's helping me lean out gradually. For some reason, I still get bloated with pasta and bread, but like, oats and rice is fine.

8-10% body is pretty hard!! You would be shredded! Body builders in competitions have around 4-7% body fat. I'm around 14-15% at 207 pounds, 5'11'' tall, with a 32 inch waist. Which is above average. I was down to about 10-11% when I was boxing. I was pretty damn cut up too. Your goal of 8% might be unrealistic, depending on how hard your wiling to work. 10% is def achievable if you work your ass off though! I have a pic of me at 10-11% body fat if you want to see. I was at the point where i was working out 6 days a week. Sparring 20 3 minutes rounds with 30 second rests on a daily basis. With the sickest diet! On top of crazy amounts of exercise stacking, pyramiding, super setting. Running 7+ miles a day. You could cut the work in half though and just take steroids lol

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What Would Brian Boitano Do?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:40 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

amboxer21 wrote:
1000Knives wrote:
189-191 is where I am now (depends on the scale used.) My main goal is to be 170 or so, that'd put me at 8-10% bodyfat instead of 17 now. I'd be happy at 180, though. I don't like being hyooooge. Last winter I was like 200-205, bleh. I did gain 10lbs lean mass from when I initially lost weight. When I initially dropped weight, I was probably 17% bodyfat at 180lbs, going from a fat 210-215lbs, so now I'm 190 currently. 170 would be good, as if I decide to pursue lifting, I'd be right at the edge of the 77K weight class, that and I wanna look like the Chinese Olympic lifter Lu Xiaojun. That'd be my ideal physique.

I've changed my diet up a lot, I eat a lot more complex carbs now and less meat and fat, and it's helping me lean out gradually. For some reason, I still get bloated with pasta and bread, but like, oats and rice is fine.

8-10% body is pretty hard!! You would be shredded! Body builders in competitions have around 4-7% body fat. I'm around 14-15% at 207 pounds, 5'11'' tall, with a 32 inch waist. Which is above average. I was down to about 10-11% when I was boxing. I was pretty damn cut up too. Your goal of 8% might be unrealistic, depending on how hard your wiling to work. 10% is def achievable if you work your ass off though! I have a pic of me at 10-11% body fat if you want to see. I was at the point where i was working out 6 days a week. Sparring 20 3 minutes rounds with 30 second rests on a daily basis. With the sickest diet! On top of crazy amounts of exercise stacking, pyramiding, super setting. Running 7+ miles a day. You could cut the work in half though and just take steroids lol

Eh, I got my Chinese herbs, don't need roidz. I don't know if it's "all natural" or not, but if I'm boiling tree bark and roots of stuff and making tea of it, I guess that has more "natural" connotations than that. Lol I don't even use whey protein. So I take some vitamins, and use Chinese herbs, usually the whole herb made into tea.

Doing the low carb thing really f**** me up, though. Bad bad idea. I must admit I should have listened to you. That said, it does seem like I have a wheat sensitivity, like I can have a slice or two of bread or something and be relatively fine, but then a big plate of pasta, forget it. I'm sorta back on my old pre-lifting diet of "screw it, don't eat American food, that's all" and probably about 5-6oz or so of meat a day total.

As far as exercise, I usually get about an hour a day on the ice, so that's equivalent to about an hour jogging calorie-wise. Then maybe an hour or two of lifting or plyometrics every other day usually (depends on how "hot" I feel that day.)
But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:39 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

End of winter? SO like March?

Currently 140 lbs, ~15% bodyfat, down from ~160@18% in grade 10, still pretty lousy for my age honestly.
Would really like to be 8-10% bodyfat at 180 or so, will work my @ss off to do so.
I train hard, if anyone could give me some ideas for improvement, I'd like to get in shape to fight.

Speaking of which, I'mma create a new boxing/MMA thread.
"I watched a change in you, It's like you never had wings, now you feel so alive"

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