Track your health insurance premiums to cut down your tax liability. Many people are not aware that your health insurance premiums count as a tax deduction. The money spent on deductibles, prescriptions and co-pays for doctor visits are also deductible. State taxes are different than federal taxes though, so make sure to check the guidelines.
Health insurance plans are negotiable, to some extent. It is possible to only buy coverage for certain things, while leaving out other things. For example, prescription coverage, vision coverage and co-payments can all be added or taken away. The constant factor, of course, is that the more coverage you buy the more it will cost and vice-versa.
Remember each year to verify what is covered with your prescriptions. Health insurance companies like to change what medications they are willing to cover, so make sure you read the fine print every time you re-enroll. When your daily meds are dropped by your health insurer, then start the hunt for a new plan right away.
Look at your personal health insurance needs when it?s open enrollment time. Your insurance needs can rapidly change as your health changes and your family grows. You can also make changes to vision, dental and other insurance options.
See if there?s an employee-wellness program with your company that could possibly save you money on health insurance. Many companies offer benefits for those who choose to make important lifestyle changes. You might be able to get into fitness programs that will help your company save cash when it comes to its insurance coverage, therefore lowering your own premiums.
Health insurance is likely to be the most important insurance policy you own. It is easy to be frustrated and overwhelmed from all the plans and coverage options available. Use these tips to choose the right insurance for you.
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