Fal'Cie - The Fal'Cie are powerful, magical beings, who created a world capable of pleasing the humans, as they hoped to please their maker. They were responsible for almost all of the operational functions of Cocoon, from power supplies, to food growth, along with the necessary measures to keep Cocoon falling under gravity back to Gran Pulse. They are believed to have been created by the Fal'Cie Lindzei, charged with the task of protecting the mortal world, and finding the gateway between the mortal world and the unseen. The Fal'Cie Barthandelus concluded that the gateway (Etro's Gate), would be opened by flooding it with lost souls, and so planned to destroy Cocoon, open the doorway, and so appease his makers, Lindzei and Bhunivelze. It is uncertain whether any other Fal'Cie had drawn the same conclusion.
L'Cie - Despite the Fal'Cie's great power, they lack the innovation, determination and willpower necessary to perform some tasks... and so they brand servants - humans often with no intention to do their bidding, and charge them with a Focus - that must be completed. These humans are referred to as l'Cie, and possess magical powered granted to them by their Fal'Cie master. A l'Cie is recognised by a marking on their body, which changes over time, reflecting how long they have left to complete their focus. A l'Cie who completes their focus is gifted with eternity, put into a crystal sleep until either they are needed again, or awoken by the gods themselves, whereupon they maintain their magical abilities. A l'Cie who fails to complete their focus, becomes a Cie'th.
Cie'th - Often, a l'Cie's focus can be vague, and they fail to carry out their purpose in time. Their body becomes twisted and deformed, covered with blackened crystals, and consciousness lost. They are trapped within, forced to regret not fulfilling their focus as their body wanders aimlessly for eternity, with a hatred for all living beings. As a Cie'th serves its time, eventually it becomes a small, immobile crystal, known as a Cie'th stone. Their Cie'th forms still maintain their powers, making them very dangerous indeed.
Dustwalkers - One of the few remaining tribal races on this continent, the Dustwalkers are a nomadic humanoid race (they may very well be human, but no-one has ever seen the face of a Dustwalker), known for living on the edges of the expanding Eastern desert. Little else is known about them, other than that their farming techniques are likely causing the desert to spread. Although it is clear they have noticed the New Pulsians, there have been no conflicts, presumably because of the technological differences.
Moogles - A very strange race of creatures, they resemble a hybrid of a mole and a cat, with undersized wings like a bat. They are normally very small, and often enjoy human companionship, making them entertaining pets for youngsters and adults alike - their single biggest flaw however, is that they talk back... Some Moogles can change forms into something that can aid their companion, such as a weapon.
Flan - Originally created by Sanctum Fal'Cie to serve as cleaners and maintenance workers in unsafe environments, the Flan have proven to be hard workers and very enduring. They resemble giant blobs of slime, dressed in uniforms, and have no legs - they just squelch across floors, which also cleans them. A great many work in the factories of Hope's Reach, however it is believed that many vicious prototype Flan had escaped from the Whitewood Gapra prior to Cocoon's fall.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/RZIc3HyexcY/viewtopic.php
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